Dear Friends and Supporters,
Reflecting on 2022, it’s important to recognize just how far we’ve come in the last two years since the life-changing impacts of the pandemic. During a time of crisis, we swiftly and effectively modified both Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First to accommodate the majority of visits being conducted by telehealth. Now, I’m thankful that 2022 has allowed us to return to in-person visits and in many cases a combination of telehealth and in-person to meet the needs of our clients.
Additionally, 2022 brought new developments that support our mission:
- Thanks in large part to tremendous advocacy from the National Service Office for Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First, the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program was reauthorized for five years which provides support for our programs
- Raising Strong — the Nurse-Family Partnership parent alumni group — officially surpassed 3,000 members
- Nurse-Family Partnership received national attention in features on the Today Show and National Public Radio (NPR)
- Child First expanded in North Carolina to serve more families
- Greenlight Fund Boston selected Child First as their newest portfolio organization to support potential replication in the greater Boston area
- Let’s Get Set provided Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First families with free, step-by-step service to better access tax benefits
From my perspective, 2022 was about understanding the lessons of the past two years to inform our future growth and innovation as we seek to reach more families that can benefit from our programs. We are focusing on delivering both scale and impact which will be realized through targeted efforts to improve quality and effectiveness. We are also exploring innovations in how we fund and sustain the NSO and our programs.
In this Year In Review, we highlight both the scale and impact of our programs as well as share a snapshot of our 2022 financials. We know that our mission is made possible by the support and partnership we have with donors, local partners and affiliates, bipartisan policymakers and nurses and clinicians who provide essential services and support systems to our families.
Thank you for being champions of this important work, and, on behalf of the National Service Office team, I’m grateful to be able to share our reach and impact in 2022.
In gratitude and unity,

Charlotte Min-Harris
President and CEO

At the National Service Office for Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First, as the umbrella organization for two of the nation's leading evidence-based home visiting programs, we are committed to expanding to serve more families. With health equity at the core of our work, our reach highlights how we are growing and sustaining our programs to ensure that we’re an integral part of the continuum of care to families that strengthen family stability, connection and their long-term ability to thrive. Our work is guided by a family-focused and strength-based approach that lends itself to empowering families on their own unique journeys. The following is a snapshot of the scope and scale of Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First in delivering support and services to the families who need it most.

Number of
Families Served

Number of NFP Nurses
and Nurse Supervisors

Total Completed Visits

Percent of Visits
Provided Via Telehealth

Total Number of
Network Partners

New Network Partners

Number of
Families Served

Number of
Child First Staff

Number of Contacts
with Families

Percent of Visits
Provided Via Telehealth

Total Number
of Affliates

New Affiliates

Understanding the impact of Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First and how we can continuously improve our impact is a core value of our organization. Both programs collect detailed data to track outcomes, measure impact and better understand the experience of families.
In 2022, Nurse-Family Partnership saw client outcomes meet or exceed the program targets in the following areas:

In 2022, Child First families saw high levels of positive effects when comparing families at enrollment to families at discharge in these areas:

In order to have the biggest impact, the National Service Office for Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First leverages resources — from philanthropic contributions to investment income and earned income — to support communities and families across the country. Every dollar raised is needed and valued as we use these resources to fund the National Service Office’s mission and invest in our network to ensure that life-changing support is available to those who need it. We want to express our deep gratitude to our donors and supporters who fund our charitable mission.
Financials FY22
(October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022)

*Philanthropic contributions reflect a one-time transformational gift of $35 million from MacKenzie Scott and thank her for her incredible generosity and support of our mission.
The National Service Office recognizes philanthropic support for financial purposes in the year in which a commitment is made, regardless of when funds are received or when expenditures are incurred. Net assets, therefore, may increase in a year when commitments are recognized and decrease in later years when associated funds are spent. Adequate net assets also ensure the organization has sufficient operating reserves to weather any future financial unpredictability.