With an unwavering commitment to serve more families with comprehensive services, meet their unique needs and create transformation change across generations, two of the leading evidence-based home visiting models-Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First-have united. Together, our unified organization will have a greater reach and offer a more holistic continuum of care for families and children experiencing the effects of poverty and adversity.

“The National Service Office has been incredibly supportive, consistent and comprehensive – side by side with Mary’s Center since beginning our conversations about an NFP program in Washington, D.C. nearly 20 years ago. We have benefitted from the specialized teams at the NSO which supports all aspects of implementation and sustainability. The National Service Office has truly been a partner in bringing NFP to D.C., investing in our success and present for guidance and leadership as we begin and grow.”

– Abby Goldstein, Nurse Supervisor, Mary’s Center NFP

We hope you will explore the pages to the right to better understand the impact of an investment in the National Service Office for Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First. We also welcome you to reach out with any questions, or 866.864.5226.


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Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First have been reviewed and rated on leading charitable websites, including Guidestar, Charity Navigator, Giving Library, the Center for High Impact Philanthropy, and others.

Additionally, the National Service Office is committed to fiscal transparency and compliance. We provide the disclosure language required by specific states to comply with state laws regarding websites that accept online donations or direct visitors how to make offline donations.

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