Babies born full-term and at healthy weight: Just one of the positive outcomes of Nurse-Family Partnership in Arizona.

The Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) maternal-infant health home visiting program began serving Arizona moms and babies in 2006 and is part of the State’s Strong Families AZ home visiting alliance. Through funding from the federal Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program administered through AZ department of Health Services and state First Things First grants allocated by regional councils, NFP is available to 900 first-time expectant mothers, both adolescents and young adults, in Maricopa and Pima counties.

Over 40 years of evidence show the measurable, long-lasting difference Nurse-Family Partnership makes in the lives of moms and their children. Meet NFP moms and nurses in our video.



Kristin graduated from rehab on Oct. 25 and continues to work to stay clean for herself and her daughter. Skyler-Ivy was born on Dec. 28, 2019.



Click here to learn more about bringing Nurse-Family Partnership to your community.

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1-3 of 3 locations