DENVER, CO (August 29, 2017) – Nurse-Family Partnership®, a national, evidence-based home visiting program serving first-time moms and their children living in poverty, has announced the appointment of Stephanie Carino to its board of directors. Carino is a 2005 Nurse-Family Partnership graduate who now is herself a nurse home visitor with the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program in Alamosa, Colorado.

The addition of a program graduate to the board gives voice to the families Nurse-Family Partnership serves, and Carino’s accomplishments are powerful testimony to the program’s effectiveness, said Robert Hill, chairman of the Nurse-Family Partnership board of directors.

“We think of NFP nurses as tenacious caregivers. What better way to understand and stay grounded in the realities of our nurses’ work than to have Stephanie Carino’s personal experience with the program as a guiding light and force for NFP,” Hill said. “Stephanie’s passion for NFP runs deep. She knows better than most the good it can do, and she also knows what it takes for a mother to become the best parent she can be. We are beyond thrilled to welcome Stephanie to the board of directors.”

As a former client and now nurse home visitor, Carino brings a comprehensive understanding of the program to her role as board member. “I understand the struggles of the young moms we serve, and I want to support them to succeed in their own goals,” Carino said.

As a board member, Carino said, she hopes to be an inspiration to the mothers she visits. “Even if I can’t solve all of their problems, they know that I support and believe in them and their families.”


Nurse-Family Partnership ® changes the future for the most vulnerable babies born into poverty by giving a first-time mom trusted support from her own personal nurse throughout the first 1,000 days, from pregnancy until her child’s second birthday. Nurse-Family Partnership is backed by 40 years of scientifically-proven outcomes for both mom and baby, and currently serves over 33,000 moms in 42 states, the U.S. Virgin Islands and six Tribal communities. Nurse-Family Partnership is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. Follow NFP on Twitter @NFP_nursefamily, Facebook at and Instagram at