A collaboration for better health outcomes of families

DENVER, CO (November 15, 2017) – Nurse-Family Partnership® (NFP) and Centering Healthcare Institute (CHI) today announced that they are working together to better meet the needs of expectant moms and improve health outcomes for vulnerable moms and babies.

The two national organizations serve similar populations of low-income women and children in communities where both NFP and CHI are present. There is an opportunity to tailor care of both healthcare models to better meet the needs of those that they commonly serve.

Nurse-Family Partnership helps a woman in poverty, pregnant with her first child, become the best mom she can be. Each expectant mom connects with her own personal nurse who works alongside her throughout her pregnancy until her child’s second birthday. Each NFP nurse guides the expectant mom to improve her prenatal care – helping the new mom to have a healthy pregnancy, improve birth outcomes and her child’s health and development. The program is free and voluntary for women that qualify.

CHI has developed and sustained the evidence-based model of group healthcare, called Centering. With CenteringPregnancy® and CenteringParenting® the highest quality of care is provided to moms and babies from pregnancy through age two of the child. It brings them out of the exam room and into a comfortable group setting where they are part of an ongoing group. The care combines health assessment, interactive learning and community building – ultimately delivering better health outcomes and a better care.

“We are thrilled to begin this national partnership with CHI to better meet the needs of our clients and offer them more support to help achieve healthier outcomes,” said Chris Arestides, manager of healthcare integration and strategic partnerships at the NFP National Service Office. “Our partnership will help more expectant moms become more knowledgeable, have more coordinated care from medical providers, and offer support from their peers through Centering.”

The collaborative efforts consist of cross-promotional marketing and communications along with cooperative efforts at the site level.  NFP nurses are encouraged to refer their clients to take part in Centering, and Centering providers are encouraged to refer clients to connect with having their own NFP personal nurse.

“Centering offers tremendous opportunity to layer within other support systems in order to positively impact health outcomes, “says Angie Truesdale, CEO of Centering Healthcare Institute.  “We are grateful to partner with NFP in making effective change in the health of our common patient populations.”

CHI has developed and sustained the Centering model in 500 practice sites and within some of the largest health systems in the world. With over two decades of experience as the go-to resource for group healthcare, CHI is improving health by transforming how care is delivered.


Nurse-Family Partnership ® changes the future for the most vulnerable babies born into poverty by giving a first-time mom trusted support from her own personal nurse throughout the first 1,000 days, from pregnancy until her child’s second birthday. Nurse-Family Partnership is backed by 40 years of scientifically-proven outcomes for both mom and baby, and currently serves close to  33,000 moms in 42 states, the U.S. Virgin Islands. Nurse-Family Partnership is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. Follow NFP on Twitter @NFP_nursefamily, Facebook at facebook.com/nursefamilypartnership and Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nursefamilypartnership/.