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Jessica Chandler brings a unique perspective as both a client and an advocate in the system

FOSTER is an HBO social documentary that features former Nurse-Family Partnership mom Jessica Chandler. FOSTER traces a complex path through the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services, interweaving first-hand stories of those affected by the system.

Jessica Chandler, one of the characters in the film, describes how NFP was a huge impact in her life. She shares how vital her NFP nurse Doljai Chaikumnerd was in her life. Doljai is still a NFP nurse in Los Angeles, California.


«When you disrupt a cycle for me, you save Noah and Jonah, too. My kids are forever changed because of the trajectory that I’m on now,» Jessica said.

Jessica was a former foster child, a young single mother and has become a social worker in the foster care system. She brings a unique perspective as both a client and an advocate in the system.

«And maybe we’ll discover that when other people are healthy in our communities, that we actually thrive too,» she said.

Right now, there are over 400,000 children and youth in the foster care system. It’s an issue that affects every community, but remains hidden in plain sight

Last year, Congress passed the Family First Prevention Services Act, which made ground breaking reforms to child welfare policy and dedicates federal dollars to prevention programs that support the development of healthy families, including Nurse-Family Partnership.

Watch the film, premiering on May 7 on HBO and find out how you can help make a difference to help children & families thrive – not just survive.  Please check local listings for time and join our conversation online.


Nurse-Family Partnership ® changes the future for the most vulnerable babies born into poverty by giving a first-time mom trusted support from her own personal nurse throughout the first 1,000 days, from pregnancy until her child’s second birthday. Nurse-Family Partnership is backed by over 40 years of scientifically-proven outcomes for both mom and baby, and currently serves over 34,000 moms in 41 states, the U.S. Virgin Islands and six Tribal communities. Nurse-Family Partnership is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. Follow NFP on Twitter @NFP_nursefamily, Facebook at and Instagram at