Call for Nominations: The National Service Office Board of Directors

The Board of Directors at The National Service Office for Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First (NSO) is seeking nominations and self-nominations to add two new Board members representing critical stakeholder groups for the NSO: program graduates and network partner or affiliate agency staff.

About the Board of Directors

The NSO Board of Directors serves as the governing and fiduciary Board for the organization. Board members take responsibility for the following activities:

  • Provide oversight of CEO
  • Assume financial responsibility for organization
  • Ensure organization fulfills its mission, realizes its vision, and embodies its values
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant laws and policies
  • Act as ambassadors and advocates for the organization
  • Support the organization as donors and fundraisers
  • Determine its own membership and Committees

To learn more about Board Members’ Roles and Responsibilities click here.

About the Nomination Process

A candidate may either self-nominate or be nominated by another individual. If someone is nominated by another individual, they must still meet all eligibility requirements as either a program graduate or network partner/affiliate agency staff. Additionally, they must submit all required documents, as outlined below, by the deadline to be considered for Board appointment.


Network Partner/Affiliate Agency Board Member Eligibility &

Nomination Instructions

To be considered as a Network Partner/Affiliate Agency Representative for the NSO Board of Directors, an individual must be a current employee in good standing of a network partner/affiliate agency in good standing that is implementing either Nurse-Family Partnership or Child First. In addition, the individual’s primary job responsibilities must be directly related to delivering program services. If you are unsure whether your role is eligible, please contact Harrison Holcomb, NSO Director of Engagement for more information, using the contact information below.

Submitting a nomination for someone else: Please complete the online Nomination Form. All nominations must be submitted by April 8, 2021. Once a nomination form is received, we will follow up with the nominee to confirm that they will accept the nomination and request additional materials.

Submitting your self-nomination: You can submit your self-nomination online using the link above. When you self-nominate, in addition to completing the form you will be asked to upload the following documents listed below. All three documents are required for your nomination to be considered. You can upload them as Microsoft Word documents or PDFs. Your nomination form and all supporting documents must be submitted by April 24, 2021.

  1. A Board ResumeThis should include relevant educational, professional, and volunteer experiences. Your resume should not exceed three pages.
  2. A Personal StatementThe personal statement should outline your motivation for seeking a Board role, your understanding of the mission, vision, and values of the NSO, and what you can contribute to the Board and the organization. The personal statement should not exceed 500 words. Please include your full name and contact information on your personal statement.
  3. A Letter of Support – The letter of support is intended to confirm that the nominee’s supervisor is aware of the time commitment associated with Board service and will support the employee in fulfilling it. In addition, at the discretion of the supervisor, the letter may include additional information about the staff member’s experience and qualifications in support of their nomination. The letter should not exceed 500 words.


Program Graduate Board Member Eligibility & Nomination Instructions

To be considered, program graduates must have successfully completed either the Nurse-Family Partnership or the Child First program as the primary client. If you have questions about whether you are eligible, please reach out using the contact information below.

Submitting a nomination for someone else: Please complete the Nomination Form. All nominations must be submitted by April 8, 2021. This will allow time for us to follow up with the nominee, confirm their interest and get additional information to fully consider them.

Submitting your self-nomination: You can submit your self-nomination online at the link above. When you self-nominate, in addition to completing the form you will be asked to upload the following documents. You can upload them as Microsoft Word documents or PDFs. Your nomination form and all supporting documents must be submitted by April 24, 2021.

  1. A Board Resume (Required) – This should include relevant educational, professional, and volunteer experiences. Your resume should not exceed three pages.
  2. A Personal Statement (Required) – The personal statement should outline why you are interested in serving on the board, your understanding of the mission, vision, and values of the NSO, and what you can contribute to the Board and the organization. The statement should not exceed 500 words. Please include your full name and contact information on your personal statement.

Optional Document:

A Letter of Support. This letter should come from someone who knows you well, like a supervisor, teacher, or mentor. It should speak to your personal experiences, skills, and qualities and express support for your service on the BOD. The letter should not exceed 500 words.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Can I submit multiple letters of support? Please only submit one letter of support from your supervisor or human resources department. Additional letters will not be considered.
  2. Can I get an extension to submit nomination materials after the deadline? Extensions may be granted on a limited, case-by-case basis for nominees with significant hardship or extenuating circumstances. To request an extension, you must send a request via email to Harrison Holcomb, Director of Engagement before the deadline for submissions.
  3. Is Service on the Board of Directors compensated? No, service is voluntary, although we do have funds available to cover travel costs.
  4. I am planning to retire from my role delivering Nurse-Family Partnership or Child First in the next three years, am I eligible for this role? Yes, however, once you retire from your role you will also need to resign from the Board.
  5. Am I, or my employer, responsible for any travel costs associated with Board service? The NSO has dedicated funds available to cover required travel for Board members.
  6. Will there be other steps in the nomination process? Yes, we will be requesting virtual meetings with some nominees who are finalists for an appointment to the Board of Directors.
  7. What is the timeline for the nomination process? Nominations will be evaluated on a rolling basis. We will provide nominees and nominators with periodic updates as additional information becomes available.


Other Questions?

Contact Harrison Holcomb, NSO Director of Engagement at