With an unwavering commitment to serve more families with comprehensive services and to meet their unique needs, two of the leading evidence-based home visiting models-Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First-have united.
Together, our unified organization will have a greater reach and offer a more holistic continuum of care for families and children experiencing the effects of poverty and adversity.
There are a number of essential benefits of this collaborative merger:
A Human and
Public Health Imperative:
We have a commitment to supporting and protecting children and caregivers from the adverse effects of toxic stress, especially now. We can fulfill this imperative with stronger supports, a more efficient model and a better understanding of how to maximize public and private funds to have the greatest, longest-term human impact.
A Coordinated
Continuum of Care:
By combining decades of work in prenatal health and early childhood development with individualized mental health and trauma expertise, we are able to serve families in a more holistic way, strengthening their stability, connection, access to comprehensive services and long-term ability to thrive.
An Approach Grounded
in Respect and Empathy:
Both organizations share a family-focused and strength-based approach, relying upon the deep relationships formed in a home visiting environment to empower families to direct their own journey, with deeply committed and highly-trained teams of healthcare experts supporting that journey at every turn.
A Shared Commitment
to Evidence and Learning:
Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First share a combined 65-year history of best-in-class, peer-reviewed and highly regarded research and evidence. By bringing these two proven models under one national umbrella, we will join together in our shared value of learning and engaging in continuous quality improvement.

Urgency to Scale:
Nurse-Family Partnership has spent more than 15 years effectively replicating and scaling its evidence based model. The opportunity to use that knowledge and infrastructure to bring Child First into significantly more homes nationwide is both exciting and essential for families and communities. We are committed to continue the breadth and efficiency of service delivery while remaining accountable to the quality of care and proven outcomes of each model now, and in the future.
What Happens Next:
Moving forward, The National Service Office will be the central operational engine for these two evidence-based programs. The resulting unified entity works to ensure that healthcare, early childhood development and the mental health of the entire family are served in proven ways to achieve long-term positive outcomes.
Over the next year we will continue the strategic and thoughtful process of integrating our teams to best serve the needs of the families we both serve.
Both Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First have a commitment to supporting a community of families who are the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of poverty, and helping them unlock true and lasting results. Beyond the relational and health benefit, this shared focus has a clear and measurable return on investment by effectively using community resources, maximizing the impact of public and private funds and reducing the dependence on public assistance.