In 2012, the first Nurse-Family Partnership site was established in Alaska at SouthCentral Foundation to serve Alaska Native and American Indian families in the greater Anchorage area. Providence Health & Services was to follow in offering NFP soon after in 2013. Nurse-Family Partnership has been helping Alaskan families achieve healthier pregnancies and births, stronger child development and a path toward economic self-sufficiency.


Over 40 years of evidence show the measurable, long-lasting difference Nurse-Family Partnership makes in the lives of moms and their children. Meet NFP moms and nurses in our video.

Expecting a child is a time of great joy and anticipation, but for many first-time mothers it can also be a time of great stress. For Kathy, the new pregnancy was exciting, but also was a pivot from her previous life as a truck driver.


Click here to learn more about bringing Nurse-Family Partnership to your community.

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